Monday, November 10, 2008

So. Finally our goods are here. once more i am surrounded by my familiar things..... cardboard cartons! The larger items have been unpacked for me and the heavy items moved into the places I had designated for them... well most of them, anyway. 50 odd boxed items remain, well, a mystery really. They take up so much room and in order to get them in order I shall have to carry out each box and check it to see whether the contents are needed immediately. One LITTLE problem I am 5' exactly and some of these cartons are 4' or thereabouts. They weigh roughly the weight of 2 sumo wrestlers and by the time I have wrestled one box off the top of another and dropped it onto my toes, I am too knackered to move a muscle never mind unpack and repack the box!
Any suggestions.... Please don't suggest I put them in the spare room.... uhm they are in the spare room and that spare room is also my office and sewing room and scrapping room and quilting room. So don't expect that I will be able to face too many boxes. On top of all this today I have to keep a doctors appointment that I have been putting off for a month. Well, how would you face up to a cyst in your breast being drained with a sharp needle in the surgery? Ok so I am a ninny and pain is for the heroes.
watch my blog. I promise to tell if we hurt each other. (the doc and I)

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