Saturday, July 18, 2009

And the rain came down and the tides came up....

An almost forgotten Sunday School song is ringing through my head!

"The Wise man built his house upon the rock,
The wise man built his house upon the rock,
The wiseman built his house upon the rock and the house upon the rock stood firm
....... The rains came down and the floods came up!
....... The rains came down and the floods came up!
....... The rains came down and the floods came up!......
....... and the house upon the rock stood firm!"

Some of the things we have experienced lately have been floods and some have been like rain and some of the moments have been pure rainbows! Little moments where God shows me exactly how much He loves me. I am unworthy to be a child of The King of Kings, In my own strength I am nothing. Through Jesus I have the honour of being shrouded in love so that when My King looks at me he no longer sees my disgusting sin, He sees the purest love ever given. Love greater than any one has ever given. Love that cost Life and Blood and Humiliation and degradation to buy! It cost everything to give and absoltutely nothing to receive. Freely given.

Before all of this started to happen I had a dream..... I dreamed that we had bought a little house at the seaside. When we moved into the house the tide was out and the house was strong and solid. Then the tide turned.
The water came up to window height and as I walked from room to room I saw each room belonged to a member of my family. The rooms were all roomy, open and peaceful places. I LOVE the peace that reigned in this dream house. The walls were thick and strong and the windows held firm against the waves as they beat against the window. I was safe and protected. I knew when the tide went back out my house would still be standing.... Just before I awoke from my dream I stepped over the doorstep to find that my house was not on the sand at all. I had no fear because under my feet was a really hard, rock layer. Now I understand!

The house is a representation of my family. Each room having the resident family member. The open plan bedrooms are the individual members and represent their "closeness" to God and the purity of their lives. all the room doors were open. No locks so no doors barred. The tides were representing troubles ahead and the Rock????

The rock foundation is obviously the foundation of God in our lives.

Praise be to God! He is such a gentle person. This was my warning that tough times were on their way..... His way of letting me know that I needed to fix my eyes on Him I would not waiver or be weakened. He would secure me and keep me safe!!!
Thank you God that You did not leave me standing on quick sand . You are my strength! AMEN!!!

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