Thursday, June 11, 2009

I am so happy my newest granddaughter is about to make her entrance in to the world. Welcome little Macaela!!! Gramma and Oupa love you and cannot wait to hold you and hug you. We know you are far away and are likely to be a lot older before we do meet you in person. It is one of the sacrifices we didn't think of at the time when we left SA but we are making a good stable life for ourselves so that we can help your Mummy and Daddy raise you in financial stablilty.

We love you already honey. You aare special to us as what Jennifer and Rebecca are. We look forward to getting to know you and discover your personality and quirks that make you special.

Lots of love

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

For the last few months I have been using the Earthlings site for my blogging but unfortunately it has been closed down so I have decided to return to this independant blog in order to keep chatting to my cheer leaders and other friends. It is probably best to blog independantly in any case so that there is continuity.

I am currently back home after the completion of all the radiology. My breast is scaley and looks scalded. Blisters have burst and are needing to be constantly moisturised to help prevent itching.
Other than that I am doing really well. I am having to rest my injured shoulder and I am veris all very normally tired but I am told this is all very normal and to be expected. So in two weeks when I see the Doc again I am expecting the "all Clear!" to be sounded. Roll on 26 June!!!!!!!!!!!