Monday, September 21, 2009

a new day and another hurdle

Some days are diamonds..... some days are coal!

Woke up today to a morning of errands and an afternoon of sewing. Yay Time for ME TIME! ..... after the erands I feel too exhausted to go out this afternoon. So i will be having a rest today.... tomorrow is time to catch up again.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

And the rain came down and the tides came up....

An almost forgotten Sunday School song is ringing through my head!

"The Wise man built his house upon the rock,
The wise man built his house upon the rock,
The wiseman built his house upon the rock and the house upon the rock stood firm
....... The rains came down and the floods came up!
....... The rains came down and the floods came up!
....... The rains came down and the floods came up!......
....... and the house upon the rock stood firm!"

Some of the things we have experienced lately have been floods and some have been like rain and some of the moments have been pure rainbows! Little moments where God shows me exactly how much He loves me. I am unworthy to be a child of The King of Kings, In my own strength I am nothing. Through Jesus I have the honour of being shrouded in love so that when My King looks at me he no longer sees my disgusting sin, He sees the purest love ever given. Love greater than any one has ever given. Love that cost Life and Blood and Humiliation and degradation to buy! It cost everything to give and absoltutely nothing to receive. Freely given.

Before all of this started to happen I had a dream..... I dreamed that we had bought a little house at the seaside. When we moved into the house the tide was out and the house was strong and solid. Then the tide turned.
The water came up to window height and as I walked from room to room I saw each room belonged to a member of my family. The rooms were all roomy, open and peaceful places. I LOVE the peace that reigned in this dream house. The walls were thick and strong and the windows held firm against the waves as they beat against the window. I was safe and protected. I knew when the tide went back out my house would still be standing.... Just before I awoke from my dream I stepped over the doorstep to find that my house was not on the sand at all. I had no fear because under my feet was a really hard, rock layer. Now I understand!

The house is a representation of my family. Each room having the resident family member. The open plan bedrooms are the individual members and represent their "closeness" to God and the purity of their lives. all the room doors were open. No locks so no doors barred. The tides were representing troubles ahead and the Rock????

The rock foundation is obviously the foundation of God in our lives.

Praise be to God! He is such a gentle person. This was my warning that tough times were on their way..... His way of letting me know that I needed to fix my eyes on Him I would not waiver or be weakened. He would secure me and keep me safe!!!
Thank you God that You did not leave me standing on quick sand . You are my strength! AMEN!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009



Good morning! It is a beautiful day and the sun is bright and cheery. I had the first decent night's sleep in absolute ages. No waking up at 3 am! no tossing and turning. One full night of deep and undrugged sleep! Whooooo hoooo. Amazing what sleep and sunshine do for me!

My DH is up and about again today after a brush with flu left him flattened this week. He is not perfect yet but definitely on the mend!

On the Cancer front all is calm and so am I. I got a letter from my oncologist confirming that my radiation is complete and that is for immigration. I am so happy that that is one more step completed. I am beginning to feel stronger and ready to do more again.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A word of thanks....

I am so aware of all the people out there that are helping to repay my benefactor. I cannot thank you all enough. We are almost there now.... I started off with a bill of $10 000 for the operation to remove the breast lump that I had. It took every penny that we had and we had to secure a loan from a bank to cover the costs. Then we learned that I had to have radiation too and that it would cost $17000 and I fell apart. I knew that there was no way to secure the money that we needed. It was at this stage that our local community started working the internet and their intranet! To the people that have contributed so far I say thank you very very much! I would not have had this treatment if not for you. To all the South Africans, the New Zealander and those from the UK and the United States that have given of their time, finances and just general encouragement, please know that no good deed goes unseen. I pray that you will all be blessed by my Heavenly Father who cares for me. As far as I know there is still an amount that is outstanding but I will be guessing if I tell you how much it is. I have been busy focussing on my health and rebuilding my strength. I am indebted to you all.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Finally on the 16 June 2009 our little Macaela made her appearance after a long drawn out labour.
Well done Caroline and Byron. She is a lovely chubby alert baby. She has her Daddy's eyes and long curly hair. We are so happy for you all.

Had a letter from immigration to say that my health was unacceptable to gain permenent residence in New Zealand. However I do believe that with the right motivation and the end of my treatment in sight it may be possible to apply for a medical waiver. there are other alternatives too but we will see what tomorrow brings.

I am looking forward to ending this week on a high as it is the week that signals the end of all my treatment apart from the tamoxifen which is a five year long treatment.
Now it is just time to gain my strength

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I am so happy my newest granddaughter is about to make her entrance in to the world. Welcome little Macaela!!! Gramma and Oupa love you and cannot wait to hold you and hug you. We know you are far away and are likely to be a lot older before we do meet you in person. It is one of the sacrifices we didn't think of at the time when we left SA but we are making a good stable life for ourselves so that we can help your Mummy and Daddy raise you in financial stablilty.

We love you already honey. You aare special to us as what Jennifer and Rebecca are. We look forward to getting to know you and discover your personality and quirks that make you special.

Lots of love

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

For the last few months I have been using the Earthlings site for my blogging but unfortunately it has been closed down so I have decided to return to this independant blog in order to keep chatting to my cheer leaders and other friends. It is probably best to blog independantly in any case so that there is continuity.

I am currently back home after the completion of all the radiology. My breast is scaley and looks scalded. Blisters have burst and are needing to be constantly moisturised to help prevent itching.
Other than that I am doing really well. I am having to rest my injured shoulder and I am veris all very normally tired but I am told this is all very normal and to be expected. So in two weeks when I see the Doc again I am expecting the "all Clear!" to be sounded. Roll on 26 June!!!!!!!!!!!